Sunday, 5 August 2012

What is Article Writing?

What is article writing? You may think that you know what article writing is but chances are you have been writing very wrong articles for many years. There is also the fact behind articles begin correct by basing it with editorial policies and guidelines of either a company, organization, institution, media house, individual or simply the article directories

What is article writing?What is article writing is a question that every writer may have asked himself, his teacher or simply the search engines for an answer. Before I narrow down to what actually article writing is all about, I would rather state the fact behind article writing. As a matter of fact, article writing is the back bone of all online transactions.

Let us define what is article writing?

Article writing is the process of packaging an idea, information or simply putting together data into clear outline for a reader. Article writing involves use of words, word phrases, expressions, interlaced words with numerical, images or the more than ever interactive videos. Articles can be written in relation to the platforms they are going to be placed for a reader to find and also by bearing in mind the target audience who dictate the content at the end of the day. For example, the newspaper, magazines, websites, blogs and so on. In other complex forms articles can be customized and represented graphically like on banners, logos, advertisement or promotional platform.

What is article writing used for?

Article writing is used for many purposes. At first I have mentioned that it is used to communicate or pass a message to an audience or readers who dictate the content 100%. Articles are also used to restore cultural values, traditions and practices like religion where the bible is written, novels, textbooks and so on. But narrowing it down, articles are used to market products and services online for as much as the era of writing has been there. This is where many people who work on the internet will always want to know about article writing.

What is unique in article writing?

Article writing is unique on its own. This is a statement that will always be defended by article writers, novelists, journalists and all the content managers. The uniqueness in article writing is when it is done by expert writers who have the skills in delivering quality and superior content. Here, all the results are always met and conversion rates ascertained. But, the rule is that you need to learn and master the art of article writing in order for readers to come back to your site asking for more. How about you check out how to become a web content writer?

How to Become a Website Content Writer Today!

Article writing in Kenya is an industry that has been fuelled with a lot of stereotypes and believes that are not worth the talk. It is said that Kenyan writers are not good at their job. But the main thing that creates the difference is just mastering the tips on how to become a superb web site content writer
SEO in KenyaIn Kenya, a lot of youth are wandering about the streets not knowing what to do irrespective of being in superb schools and besides having good skills in writing compositions and stories. I can hardly forget the times when I was forced to write good compositions with lashes on my back by my no nonsense English teacher in primary school. I did not know that I was beginning to shape my future career of writing. This is where I fail to understand why you can go through all these 'shaping' on article writing in all the years in primary school and High school then languish in poverty after finding no job in Kenya or across the world. This, in respect to online writing job, to me is unfathomable. Is there a way we can use the writing skills we acquired back in schools and make a living? Can we really, at all levels save the situation than just having muggers and thieves in the name of no jobs in Kenya? This is where SEO web content writing comes in the equation and you can simply be one, in a matter of time, in training.
Web content writing is the ultimate solution for lack of jobs!
There many people in need of finding jobs all over the world but it is even a crisis to find a job in Kenya. It is also sad to watch news every day and see one or two Kenyan girls losing their lives in foreign countries while searching of a job. But the good news is that content management systems have come to create a career path where one can build his or her portfolio in a shot while. According to me, this is an industry that has been flooded with people in the need for freelance writers and online writers. These writer jobs are well paying and you can make a career in writing like no other in the world. But, the essential thing is that you need to consider some points before you become the next award winning article writer; with a heavy paycheck.

The three million dollar questions for budding writers

· Are you a passionate writer? - This is the question that you need to ask yourself before jumping into this field. This is because; you cannot afford to take it lightly as if it is a simple affair. It is a career worth seriousness and all your efforts. It is a field that will take you hours to formulate words that will create paragraphs and articles that have the necessary marketing speech. Passion will take you places if not getting you a seat with the gurus in the whole world.
· Can you type fast? - This is a question that I once asked myself when I got into the field of writing but later on I realized that with the desire to write fast you will always improve your speed. I am now shocked by the way people wonder how I do a 500 word article in less than 35 minutes. Believe me, it is possible. Great speed in typing is essential to do many projects that will also make you jump to the front seat of the article writing bus. If you cannot write fast, then look for programs or software that can put in your words to the computer. In short, writing should be fast, whether you use software or your own fingers, do it swiftly and expeditiously.
· Are you a consistent writer? - This is where writers and non writers are separated with a huge wall. And in fact, this is what I enjoy watching every now and then. Do you know why? Many people will join my group of writers in the name of competing with some us, and that is healthy, but after two to three days, they simply run out of gas or something I cannot explain. They just run out of energy. Here, you employ or deploy yourself. You choose to be in office or simply ship out on your own peril. If you cannot write on a daily basis, then just take on something else that won't kill your talents or waste your energy.

Let us write all the way to the bank!

Remember, a Degree is essential for good SEO writing but you don't need it when you are actually consistent, you have the speed and you are passionate. Test your English every day and when you are good than average, then find a good bank that will not doubt your colossal income. Because, no manager will like to hear that you work from the comfort of your bedroom, with no suite or tie but... And you are earning more than the boss!


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